Living Righteously

Prayers For Our Children

This article was first published onThe Christian Post Praying Life Blog.

Prayers For Our Children

by Yvonne Perkins

Children of this generation face challenges that we never dreamt of. In our generation we were allowed to play outside until the street light came on. There was the sound of laughter in the streets. There was a sense of community safety. We dare not talk back to an adult. Teachers were expected to be people with high standards and morals. Being a “bad” child consisted of sneaking a cigarette or drink from the family stash, or ditching school for a day. It was not hard to distinguish right from wrong. Your parents taught you that at home, the preacher taught it at church, teachers taught it at school and society backed it up as well. The village invested in raising their children.

In today’s generation, young children are being shot as they play on their front porch, or on the basketball court or even just going to the candy store. Children are taught how to fall on the floor at the sound of gunshots. Parents never thought that their child may not return home from school because someone beat them to death in the girl’s bathroom, or on the streets as they came home from school. Parents never consider the possibility that a pedophile would kidnap their child, rapist rape them or someone would rob little children walking home from school. Parents never thought their children would be taught about “different” families that included two moms or two dads. Who knew there would come a time when “homosexual/lesbian lifestyle” would be celebrated and it would be politically incorrect to criticize or speak against it. Your child’s teacher could come to school sporting a man’s suit one week and a fancy dress the next. You teach your child that using drugs is wrong but society legalized marijuana and promoted the use of it.


SPEAK THE ANSWER NOT THE PROBLEM. THE ANSWER IS THE WORD OF GOD. Heavenly father we come in the name of your son Jesus on behalf of our children. We ask that you cover them in the Blood of Jesus from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet. We pray that you will give them good health, heal them from disease and infirmity. We decree and declare that they present their bodies as a living sacrifice to you, they understand that their bodies are your temple and you have purchased them with your blood. Therefore, they honor their bodies, they flee youthful lusts, drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes shall not touch their lips. Their bodies will not receive it but reject it.

We plant the seed of righteousness in them and decree that it shall prosper and take root in them and they shall be rooted and grounded in your word. Our children are facing a society that embraces perverse ideas and lifestyles. We decree and declare that every girl will be a woman and every boy will be a man and they shall embrace the image that you created them in. Your blood and holy word preserve them and we block every attack of the enemy in their mind, body, spirit and soul. We cast down every imagination that says otherwise and bring it into captivity and cause them to line up with your word.

Your word declares children obey your parents, honor your parents that it may be well with you. So we bind up the spirit of rebellion in them and lose the spirit of obedience into their lives. Your word teaches us to not provoke them to anger but to train, nurture and love them. We pray for wisdom to know how to reach them, give us words that they will hear, let us show them by example how to love and fear you. Teach us how to discipline without abuse but discipline in love through training, teaching, correcting and redirecting them in the right way. Show us the better way to meet their needs as their parents, not their friend but one who parents and guides them.

We decree that our children shall be taught of you and great shall be their peace Isiah 54:13 And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.14In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. We decree that all of our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, shall live in peace, peace surrounds them as they travel to and from school, in school and wherever they gather. Even as Rachel cried out for her children we cry out for our children for the blood had indeed come up to the windows and the blood of the innocent run in the street. We bind up violence, anger, rage and terror and it shall not come near them. Your blood is a wall between them and the rapist, drug dealer, gangs, terrorists, cults, false religion. God,you preserve them from the road of destruction.

You have set before them life and death and they choose life. They will love you with all their might, heart and mind. They shall be God chasers, pursuers of your heart, they hear your voice and another they will not follow. They love your law and delight in it, they seek to please you. They are a generation that shall raise us and declare your goodness. They shall be greatly used by you.

We pray for our children who live in chaotic situations that you will protect them and keep them safe from hurt and harm. We pray for those that are being raised by grandparents or other relatives because perhaps parents are caught up in drugs, or in prison. We bind up the spirit of rejection, anger, hatred and bitterness. Your word declares that all things work together for good for those that love you and are called of you. Work out your will in their lives. We pray for those that have lost parents due to tragedy or death that they will experience your love and care for you are a mother to the motherless and a father to the fatherless.

We decree and declare victory in their lives. They have favor in school, with peers and teachers. They are the best of the best. You open up their abilities to soak up knowledge like a sponge. Creativity is birthed in them, they are entrepreneurs, designers, inventors, teachers, lawyers, doctors, financial masters, sensitive, kind, compassionate and giving. They are the head and not the tail. They exceed in everything they put their hands to do. They shall not forget you but remember you in their youth. They shall remember that it is you who has given them favor, gifts and talents to get wealth and they shall always give you the glory. Every talent and gift you give to them shall be used for your glory.

Bind their feet to the path of righteousness, clothe them in sanctification and perfumed them with holiness. Saturate them in your love. Enlighten their eyes and open up their understanding. We draw the blood line around them, under them, through them and make a bold declaration that Satan will not have them. We will never give up on them. We will never let them go. They belong to you and we commit them into your hands. We ask that you send Warring angels to walk with them, Ministering Angels to be with them, and be a fence all around them. We give you praise in advance for how you are keeping them, loving them and protecting them. They shall be mightily used by you.

Living Righteously

Rising Above Disappointment

Rising Above Disappointment. In this life, there will be disappointments. There is no way around it. Everyone will experience it at some point in time during this journey called life. Disappointment is defined by Webster as defeated in expectation or hope 2)sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfill one’s hope or expectation. Disappointment can have devasting results on a person’s life if not handled in a positive manner. It can cause you to lose hope, or not believe anything good will come out of your life. It can hinder your growth, naturally and spiritually.

Rising above disappointment. Life is full of ups and downs. We do not always achieve everything we set out to do. Things don’t always go the way we envision it to go. Two people can look at a glass of water and one will see it as half empty and the other as half full. What difference does it make? The perception will impact your thoughts, your thoughts will impact your feelings, your feelings will impact your behavior.

Rising above disappointment. A person perceives the glass to be half empty. This person thought pattern about life is more likely to be one filled with negative thoughts i.e. nothing goes my way, everyone is against me, if it wasn’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck, etc. If that is the thought pattern the feelings attached to that thought more likely include sadness, anger, and/or frustration. These feelings will more likely result in the person engaging in negative behaviors that will only enforce those beliefs, i.e. not pursuing dreams, not giving their best efforts, etc.

Rising above disappointment. A person perceives the glass to be half full. This person thought pattern about life is more likely to be filled with positive thoughts i.e. I am almost there, my goal is within reach, I can do this. The feelings attached to these thoughts are more likely to include, anticipation, an expectation of achievement, strength, happiness, etc. The behavior is more likely to include setting and pursuing goals, going the extra mile, taking chances with the expectation this will work, etc.

Rising above disappointment. Some examples of people who experience disappointment and/or failure are: Albert Einstein didn’t speak until he was four years old. Benjamin Franklin dropped out of school at age ten. Stephen King’s first novel was rejected 30 times. Oprah Winfrey was repeatedly molested but rose above her past to become one of America’s most influential women. Thomas Edison failed 1000 times before achieving success. He reportedly stated. I have not failed. I just found 1000 ways that didn’t work. They did not allow their failures, mistakes, or disappointments to cripple them. They continue to believe they could, they would achieve. They believed life had more to offer and it did.

Rising above disappointment. God has given me the gift of writing. I write poems, blogs, and gospel songs. I am not a singer so I am always looking for ways to get my music to the ears of producers and recording artists. I visit sites where recording artists, tv/radio producers, etc are looking for new materials. During the month of August. I learned that a well-known singer was looking for material for a new album. I submitted several songs. I heard from a well-known producer, Mr. Charles Hester Jr. “CHA-LO”. (Google his name, he is the real thing) that out of the many songs that were submitted, he selected my song “With Every Breath” to submit to this artist.

Rising above disappointment. I was very excited, to say the least. I believed in God for this open door. I stood on the word of God. I confessed the favor of God i.e. I’m surrounded by the favor of God, No good thing will be withheld from me, I delight myself in God, It is God’s good pleasure to give me the desires of my heart, etc. I had a few trusted intercessors stand in the gap with me.

Rising above disappointment. About a week ago, I learned that the song had been presented to the artist but she did not choose it for her album. I was very, very disappointed to say the least. How could this happen? I believed, I did not doubt I confessed the word of God. Immediately, Satan was in my ear. Faith without works is dead, how did you think you had a chance? You will never make it as a songwriter. You may as well stop wasting time and money during a demo. (Making demos of songs does not come cheap)Then he reminded me of things I have on the altar that has not yet manifested. Oh, yeah it was a real pity party. But Wait.

Rising above disappointment. The Holy Spirit has a voice too and begins to speak. This producer not only listened to my songs but he made encouraging comments on those I submitted. I don’t know him, he is not a friend, or acquaintance and I have no connection with him. He thought this song was good enough to introduce it to this singer! This well-known established singer Listened to my song. My name was on the lips of this producer and singer! Hey, the favor of God does surround me as a shield. As I continue to love and worship the giver and not the gift, God will give me the desires of my heart. Whew, I am ENCOURAGED. THANK YOU, HOLY SPIRIT.

Rising above disappointment. Don’t let disappointment cripple you, sabotage your future, take away your hope and dreams. Reassess, Reset, Rethink, Reexamine, take a deep breath, take a moment, dust your self off and start over. I love the quote of Thomas Edison. I did not fail. I just found 1000 ways that did not work. So I say, I did not fail. It may have been the wrong door. I will choose another door,

Speak the answer not the problem. The answer is the word of God. Heavenly Father, I thank you for your goodness, mercy, kindness, and faithfulness to me. I may not understand the whys or the reasons. I know that your ways are not my ways and your thoughts are not mine. They are much higher than mine. You are the only one that knows my end from the beginning. All of my time is in your hands and you know the seasons of my life. You are the author and finisher of my life. I trust your plans and desires for my life because you are perfecting those things that concern me and you are making good plans for me. Help me to embrace your will, and your plans and continue to be in a place of loving, trusting, and worshipping you. I have learned down through the years that your will is best. For this cause, I bow my knees and worship you, knowing that all power belongs to you. I’m secure in your love and wait with pregnant expectation for the manifestation of your promises.

Living Righteously

The Author

Where are they? I know I had those keys. I need them now. Does this sound familiar? In two days back to back I lost two sets of keys. I searched every room, every place I could think of. I became anxious and frustrated. My frustration allowed Satan an opportunity to speak. “Your mom had dementia, your husband had dementia, and you seem to be misplacing a lot of things lately” My response “Satan you are a dementia liar. The memory of the righteous is Blessed (Prov10:7) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, (John 14:26) Shut your mouth Satan, stop talking to me. Jesus died to give me victory.

I kept reminding myself. Don’t be anxious. Go into worship. I stop looking and started worshipping God. The Holy Spirit brought this scripture to my mind: Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Have you ever read a good book, watch a good movie, and made a mental note to remember this author? The author knows the story from the end to the beginning. No one wants to watch a dull movie or read a dull book. No, you want something that will keep you on the edge of your seat, keep you guessing and wondering what is next. You will cry sometimes as you watch the character go through fiery trials, and rejoice with them when against impossible odds they come through victoriously and defeat the enemy. The story will have many twists and turns. In the end, you may say this deserves an Oscar.

So it is with Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith. He doesn’t reveal everything to us. We have to learn to trust the author that he is in control of all of our times. The good time, bad times, sad and hurtful, the joyful times, hopelessness and hope. Whatever it is, the author is in control. We have to learn to trust the process. We know the author and how he writes the story. So, we know that the story has a happy ending, one that is victorious and full of power. How do we know this? He gave us clues.  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jer 29:11. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Rom 8:28.

I encourage you to trust the Author, stay with the script and watch the amazing ending of the story. Oh Yeah, I found both sets of keys. Satan can not handle a worshipper. Victory.

SPEAK THE ANSWER NOT THE PROBLEM. THE ANSWER IS THE WORD OF GOD. GOD IS HIS WORD. Heavenly Father we thank you for being the author and finisher of our faith. Thank you for your guiding hand and amazing favor over our lives. Thank you that all of the seasons of our lives are in your hands. We make our boast in you and declare that I will trust in the lord when I am afraid, I will trust, When I am hurting, I will trust. We may not understand all the challenges we face but we thank you for each and every experience for in your kingdom nothing is wasted. We have a perfect assurance that God is perfecting everything that concerns us.

Thank you for the sunshine and rain, laughter and pain, hopelessness and hope. Thank you for your oscar winning story of our lives. Help us to not try to rewrite the story but embrace the plot you have put before us Therefore, we bow ourselves down, lift up our hands, and love and adore you as we worship you. We will not resist but submit to your will. Continue to write on the tablets of our hearts.

Living Righteously

4-9-2022 Intercessory training

4-9-2022 is the date of the next Intercessory Training. You don’t want to miss this 4 week’s training via Zoom from 10:30 am til l2:00. A well-trained intercessor is a threat to the enemy. I teach the first 3 classes. Apostles Linda Shearrill, Greg Jacobs, Elder Cynthia Bridges & Prophet Laron Matthews join me for the last session (Impartation & Release). Get your book now (For His glory Standing In The Gap Intercessory Instruction Manual) for $9.99. The course is $40.00. Register and get the book here at GET YOUR BOOK NOW. IT IS REQUIRED FOR THE CLASS. Registration ends 3-31-2022. Note: For groups of ten that register by 3-26-22 I will donate $40 to your ministry. #Trainingchangemyprayerlife

Living Righteously

Subscribe To For His Glory STIG YouTube Channel

INTERCESSORS, I NEED YOUR HELP. Please subscribe to this channel. This is the channel I will share information about intercessory training. Copy and paste the link in your browser.

Thank you so much.

Living Righteously

Jan 23rd New Intercession Training

Hurry. registration closes 1-20th. Get signed up now for the next Intercessory Training starts 1-23rd noon until 1:30 via Zoom. 4-week training includes release & impartation service. Impartation svc with Apostle Linda Shearrill, Prophet Greg Jacobs, Prophet Laron Matthews & Pastor Cynthia Bridges.

Living Righteously

Be Quiet, A Rhema Word

This is a repost from October 2017 when my mom, Mamie Marshall made her transition. The original, post was in The Christian Post, A Praying Life. I pray in this season, this pandemic that is taking so many lives, that you will open your heart to receive comfort.

As I sat down to write this blog the spirit of the living God rested on me and begin to speak.  It is not often that I make a statement like this. I always seek the face of God and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as I write but this encounter was different.  The words were coming quickly and so clearly as if the Holy Spirit was standing next to me dictating what to write. So the first part of this writing will be just as the Holy Spirit gave it to me.  The second part that I will share will be my reflections upon reviewing and meditating on what I had written. 

I need you to join me in the throne room.  I’m giving you an invitation.  Did I not say come boldly to the throne of grace, that you may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need? You have so many questions. I have the answers. You ask me to speak but you are not listening. Even as you are asking me to speak your mind is racing to the next question.  

Be quiet. Be still.  Come into my presence and sit. Let me embrace you. Let me hold you. I am all that you need. I have ordained peace for you.  I have a place of rest for you.Remember Mary and her sister, Martha. Luke 10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.

40 But Martha was cumbered about with much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.

41And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things:

42 But one thing is needful. Mary sat at my  feet and heard my word. My word is needful. It is necessary. It will sustain you.  When Mary sat at my feet she gave me her full attention.  Her spirit was captivated by the words I spoke. She received the impartation from me that would give her strength.  

When you come to the throne room you will receive grace to take you through every situation that you are facing.You will receive the help, strength and mercy that you need. In my presence is fullness of joy. Yes, I am all that you need. Yes, I have what you are seeking. 

Come, sit quietly. Give me your full attention. I have sweet words to speak to you. I have many things to share with you. I know exactly what you need. I have been waiting patiently to release it to you. First, I need you to just sit quietly. You see your mind is in one place, your spirit is in another place. Your emotions are all over the place.  I charge you to bring your mind, soul, spirit and body into one place. Let your emotions be quiet, your spirit be quiet. Your mind must stop rushing and be quiet.

Now, come into my arms, lay your head upon my bosom, hear the beat of my heart. Even as a baby lays his head upon his mother heart and his heart is quiet and comes into sync with that of the mother. Yes, let me hold you, embrace you,shower you with my love. Yes, the tears will flow for what you need is the father’s touch. That hug that makes everything alright. With my finger of love I come to wipe away all your tears. I will cast out all your fears. 

In the quietness you will hear my voice. You will receive my instructions. You will be refreshed. I will revive you for the enemy has launched an attack against you that almost knock you unconscious. But I,your father is here. Let me breath new life, new energy, new strength into you.  Let me lead you beside the quiet waters and cause your soul to be refreshed. 

You don’t need to speak. I already know what is in your heart. As you sit in quietness, I will show you what is in your heart. Let me purify you. I don’t ask you to come for me to judge you but come to obtain my help, my grace and my mercy. Let me show you the trick of the enemy. Be still. I know the plans of the enemy but his weapon will not work. I know my thoughts for you and I know my plans for you.  Remember. I know your end from the beginning. 

I am speaking and i need you to hear my words. They will be life to you. I will put my instructions in your spirit even as you sleep. I will show you visions. I will restore gifts. Rest in me. 

The following are my reflections on the words I received. The King of King, my father is requesting my presence. I’m not an unwanted guest, or intruder but God himself has given me an invitation to come. Not just to enter into his gates for anyone can enter into the outer court for his word declares. “Let everything that  hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” Psalm  150.6.  My father has invited me to the Throne Room, the secret place to sit with him. 

My mother recently made her transition. She loved God and I know that she is at rest. My siblings and I have been providing her daily care and now she is gone.  As many of you know, there are so many details and things to put in order for a home-going service so I have been very busy.  But now, my father is saying. Come into my presence and sit quietly.  Sometimes, it is difficult to sit quietly.  Our mind is full of the “things to do “. Our spirit is focused on keeping things moving.  Martha was focused on preparation of meal planning for Jesus and the disciples. She was concerned no doubt, about the appearance of the home, making things neat, cooking, during things in the proper manner.  I’m sure she could hear the voice of Jesus speaking but was not focus on understanding what was being said. Yet, on some level she probably wanted to be able to sit and listen. Perhaps she was even resentful that her sister left her to complete all these tasks by herself.

Mary on the other hand had to know the things that was left undone but something in her heart told her it could wait. Jesus was there and he was speaking. She made a choice to sit at his feet.  The word “needful” is defined as something that is necessary and needed. It is required. Jesus said “but one thing is needful”. It was necessary, needed and required to sit at his feet. To sit at the feet of Jesus implies submission, surrendering, giving full attention, honoring and recognizing the importance of that person. 

The father is saying do you know who I am. Come, sit quietly. God is saying you don’t need to speak. Just listen to the words I have been waiting to speak to you. You don’t need to be strong, be correct, or search for the right words to say.  I know what you need. Let me love you, let me comfort you. Wow, sometimes we need to shut our mouths and open our hearts and just let God “father us” and be our shepherd. 

SPEAK THE ANSWER NOT THE PROBLEM. THE WORD OF GOD IS THE ANSWER. Heavenly father, thank you for the invitation to come to your Throne Room. Forgive me for the many opportunities I have missed due to the many distractions the enemy has placed in my way.  As the songwriter wrote ‘oh what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer” Thank you, father for waiting patiently on me to accept your invitation. I give you full control Holy Spirit to draw me into the presence of the father where I will find joy, peace and rest. Remind me of who the Father is: God the father, son and Holy Ghost, blessed trinity and Holy Deity. Let me never forget that God so loved me that he gave his son for me. Surely, I can be grateful for an open invitation to come and sit in the presence of the living God and feel your warm embrace.

Seize The Gates

SIEGE THE GATES defines gate as a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other opening permitting passage through an enclosure.3.a tower, architectural setting, etc., for defending or adorning such an opening or for providing a monumental entrance to a street, park, etc.:the gates of the walled city; the palace gate.4.any means of access or entrance

THE Bible Dictionary describes the meaning of “gates” the meaning of “gates” the “market”, the “law court” (either formally in criminal cases or less formally as the place where the family business or disputes were settled), the public forum where community business was discussed and gossip exchanged or the administrative center – the “Town Hall”.

The gates were constructed like a fortress and meant to defend the city and keep the enemy out. Jesus Christ was crucified outside of the gate, Hebrews 13:12 So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. The prophets proclaim the word of God at the gates. Jeremiah 17:19-27. Nehemiah talks about the gates of Jerusalem. Jesus declared “ I am the gate for the sheep” John 10:7-10, enter through the narrow gate Matt 7:13-14, gates of hell shall not prevail Matt 16:18. Lift up your heads, o ye gates Psalms 24:7-10.

Seize the gates: We seize the gates from the west, east, south and north. We now control what comes in and goes out. We now control what is allowed and disallowed. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Too long Satan has been in control of the gates. Satan we declare that we overthrow you and displaced you. God has given us authority over you. We use our God-given authority to bind up the works of the enemy. We snatch your power and the keys by the word of God and the shed blood of Jesus. Go, we loose your hands to govern this nation. For thine, O Lord is the greatness, power, glory, victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.

Speak the answer not the problem. The answer is the word of God. Heavenly father, thank you for your holy word, for the shed blood of your son, Jesus Christ. We now take and appropriate that blood over the gates of our homes, blocks, communities city, states, and nation. He that possesses the gates control what comes in and out of the gates, what is allowed and not allowed.

We declare that this is the generation of them that seek you, that seek your face. 7Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.8Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.9Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.10Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.Lift up your gates and let the King of Glory come in. We welcome you King of Glory.Psalm 24:7-10.

We apply your blood to every home, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, communities, cities, states and nation. Send the warring angels to assist us in evicting drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, gangs, guns. terrorists, perversion the spirit of murder, anger, hatred, racism, self-murder, domestic violence even in the pulpit, child abuse, rape, molestation thief, and robber. We evict marriage breaking spirits, rebellious children. We evict you in the name of Jesus. Let the gates be open to salvation and let this be a city that seeks to lift your name up that you may draw men, women, children to you. Let there begin to be a great harvest of souls. Give us strategies and techniques to win souls.

Let the walls of our city be called Salvation. Let the gospel be freely preached and received. You sent your word and healed them. Let the word of salvation be released in the atmosphere, hemisphere, and stratosphere. Let the skies open up and rain down salvation in our homes, in prisons, in hospitals, everywhere that drug and gang activities are taking place, every place where terrorists are plotting to do harm. Let grace and mercy run down the street and overtake justice. You died to save us from the penalty of sin. Save us O lord and we shall be saved.

We possess the gates of our homes. Let peace, love, hope and compassion flow. Bind up confusion and send it to the camp of the enemy. We bless you God and ask that you bless our homes. We call our children, grandchildren and all connected to us to obedience to your word. We decree and declare that they shall love you with all their hearts and they shall serve you. Restore love, hope, and trust in marriages. Let us be willing to forgive, forget and start again with a fresh love that has grown and matured. The gates are open for strong family unity and ties. We pray that the gates be open even for those that desire children, and for those children that stand in need of a home. We pray for those in the foster care system and those that have been adopted. Release them from the spirit of abandonment, rejection, and anger.Let the gate of love be open to them.

We possess the gates of our cities and evict the spirit of violence. Jesus blood prevails and the spirit of death and destruction can not cross the blood line. We attack the strongman of murder and all connecting spirits. Anger, hatred, jealousy, bitterness, envy, pride, racism, suicide, you are rendered helpless before the blood. We serve notice on every gang and terrorist that the land does not belong to you. The earth is the lord and all that dwell within. Yes, that include you. Ezekiel 18:4 Behold (pay close attention), all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine. The soul who sins will die. God has given you a choice and he advises you to Choose Life.Deu 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Let love arise in the hearts of the people. Peace rule in our surrounding. We choose life and we loose life in our communities.

We possess the gates of prosperity and evict poverty. There is no lack in God. We call forth job training, job opportunities, financial wisdom, economic growth in our surrounding. The gate is open even to those that have past records and have served their time. The gate is open for housing and education. It is the will of God that we prosper and be in good health. The favor of God surrounds us and he rejoices in our prosperity. Psalm 34:27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.28And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.

We possess the gates of good health and evict sickness and untimely death. We shall live and not die and declare the righteousness of God. We receive healing by the 39 stripes on your body. Each stripe representing a condition, or need of man. We receive physical healing, emotional and spiritual healing from all diseases and infirmity. Is there anything too hard for our God? No, lord, you are bigger than anything we will ever face. You are the bread of life and we eat freely of that bread. Be healed in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus be healed.

We possess the gates of ministry and evict false teachers, prophets, and leaders. We open up the doors for the true shepherds. You have given up good shepherds after your own heart. They seek you for wisdom, guidance and you bind their feet to the path of righteousness. They love you, hear your voice and declare your word to be truth. They preach the blood off of their hands. They cry loud and spare not. You bless their family, home, ministries, and churches. They set proper priorities with you first, then their mate and then the ministry. Ministry begins at home. You give them discerning spirits and eagle eye vision to see, understand and interpret the seasons and timing. They are highly sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. They are true worshippers and passionate God-chasers. You send them obedient people, tithing people, people willing to serve. You send them people with finances, expertise, and willing hands to do the work of the ministry, armor bearers and intercessors.

Thank you, God for sending Warring Angels to assist us in Seizing the Gates for your glory.

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