Mrs. Yvonne Perkins is a devoted wife and has been married for over 40 years. She is the mother of two adult children and six grandchildren. She obtained her BA in human services and MA in counseling from Chicago State University. MA in Christian Counseling and Dr in Pastoral Counseling.She is a certified Soul Winner and certified Mental Health Coach
Mrs.Perkins worked in the Child Welfare System for 28 years rising through the ranks from clerical to assistant supervisor. She worked in various roles i.e. intact worker, placement worker, adoption, and guardianship worker. She received the Worker of the Year award, Adoption worker award, and other recognition for her service to children and families in the Child Welfare system..
Upon retiring from the Child Welfare System, and obtaining her LPC license, Mrs. Perkins embarked on a new journey in the mental health field. For several years she worked with the mentally ill in an inpatient settings. She went on to become a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and worked in the private sector providing individual and family counseling to adoptive and guardianship parents and children.
Mrs.Perkins was raised in a godly home and attributes her prayer life to her upbringing. She relates that she was often awakened early in the morning to the sound of her mother, Mamie Marshall praying on the phone with her prayer partners. She is grateful, that her father, Bossie Marshall was always in the home.
She states that Apostle Richard D.Henton set the foundation for her salvation. Her family was the second family to join Monument of Faith when Pastor Henton opened up his church at 6848 S. Racine. Mrs.Perkins is an active member of this church and a trained soul-winner.
Mrs. Perkins worked as a volunteer with Evangelist Rose Mary Blackwell in the Standing In The Gap Ministry for over 20 years. Her first assignment was to prepare handouts and greet the people at the door. She later became one of the armor-bearers to Prophetess Blackwell. She received her training as an intercessor under this ministry, was mentored by Prophetess Rose Mary Blackwell and her sister, Evangelist Margaret Ann Harrison. For 16 years, Mrs, Perkins facilitate the training of intercessors in this ministry, facilitated the weekly prayer service at various locations as well as the monthly Corporate Prayer Service. Mrs. Perkins is also one of the facilitators for the weekly prayer conference line facilitating 3 of those weekly services. The prayer line started by Evangelist Vickie Pendleton to undergird the Standing In The Gap Ministry. She invites you to join the prayer line daily at 1 712 770-5603 code 272325 at 5:00 a.m.
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