Living Righteously

Jan 23rd New Intercession Training

Hurry. registration closes 1-20th. Get signed up now for the next Intercessory Training starts 1-23rd noon until 1:30 via Zoom. 4-week training includes release & impartation service. Impartation svc with Apostle Linda Shearrill, Prophet Greg Jacobs, Prophet Laron Matthews & Pastor Cynthia Bridges.

Living Righteously

Be Quiet, A Rhema Word

This is a repost from October 2017 when my mom, Mamie Marshall made her transition. The original, post was in The Christian Post, A Praying Life. I pray in this season, this pandemic that is taking so many lives, that you will open your heart to receive comfort.

As I sat down to write this blog the spirit of the living God rested on me and begin to speak.  It is not often that I make a statement like this. I always seek the face of God and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as I write but this encounter was different.  The words were coming quickly and so clearly as if the Holy Spirit was standing next to me dictating what to write. So the first part of this writing will be just as the Holy Spirit gave it to me.  The second part that I will share will be my reflections upon reviewing and meditating on what I had written. 

I need you to join me in the throne room.  I’m giving you an invitation.  Did I not say come boldly to the throne of grace, that you may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need? You have so many questions. I have the answers. You ask me to speak but you are not listening. Even as you are asking me to speak your mind is racing to the next question.  

Be quiet. Be still.  Come into my presence and sit. Let me embrace you. Let me hold you. I am all that you need. I have ordained peace for you.  I have a place of rest for you.Remember Mary and her sister, Martha. Luke 10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.

40 But Martha was cumbered about with much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.

41And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things:

42 But one thing is needful. Mary sat at my  feet and heard my word. My word is needful. It is necessary. It will sustain you.  When Mary sat at my feet she gave me her full attention.  Her spirit was captivated by the words I spoke. She received the impartation from me that would give her strength.  

When you come to the throne room you will receive grace to take you through every situation that you are facing.You will receive the help, strength and mercy that you need. In my presence is fullness of joy. Yes, I am all that you need. Yes, I have what you are seeking. 

Come, sit quietly. Give me your full attention. I have sweet words to speak to you. I have many things to share with you. I know exactly what you need. I have been waiting patiently to release it to you. First, I need you to just sit quietly. You see your mind is in one place, your spirit is in another place. Your emotions are all over the place.  I charge you to bring your mind, soul, spirit and body into one place. Let your emotions be quiet, your spirit be quiet. Your mind must stop rushing and be quiet.

Now, come into my arms, lay your head upon my bosom, hear the beat of my heart. Even as a baby lays his head upon his mother heart and his heart is quiet and comes into sync with that of the mother. Yes, let me hold you, embrace you,shower you with my love. Yes, the tears will flow for what you need is the father’s touch. That hug that makes everything alright. With my finger of love I come to wipe away all your tears. I will cast out all your fears. 

In the quietness you will hear my voice. You will receive my instructions. You will be refreshed. I will revive you for the enemy has launched an attack against you that almost knock you unconscious. But I,your father is here. Let me breath new life, new energy, new strength into you.  Let me lead you beside the quiet waters and cause your soul to be refreshed. 

You don’t need to speak. I already know what is in your heart. As you sit in quietness, I will show you what is in your heart. Let me purify you. I don’t ask you to come for me to judge you but come to obtain my help, my grace and my mercy. Let me show you the trick of the enemy. Be still. I know the plans of the enemy but his weapon will not work. I know my thoughts for you and I know my plans for you.  Remember. I know your end from the beginning. 

I am speaking and i need you to hear my words. They will be life to you. I will put my instructions in your spirit even as you sleep. I will show you visions. I will restore gifts. Rest in me. 

The following are my reflections on the words I received. The King of King, my father is requesting my presence. I’m not an unwanted guest, or intruder but God himself has given me an invitation to come. Not just to enter into his gates for anyone can enter into the outer court for his word declares. “Let everything that  hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” Psalm  150.6.  My father has invited me to the Throne Room, the secret place to sit with him. 

My mother recently made her transition. She loved God and I know that she is at rest. My siblings and I have been providing her daily care and now she is gone.  As many of you know, there are so many details and things to put in order for a home-going service so I have been very busy.  But now, my father is saying. Come into my presence and sit quietly.  Sometimes, it is difficult to sit quietly.  Our mind is full of the “things to do “. Our spirit is focused on keeping things moving.  Martha was focused on preparation of meal planning for Jesus and the disciples. She was concerned no doubt, about the appearance of the home, making things neat, cooking, during things in the proper manner.  I’m sure she could hear the voice of Jesus speaking but was not focus on understanding what was being said. Yet, on some level she probably wanted to be able to sit and listen. Perhaps she was even resentful that her sister left her to complete all these tasks by herself.

Mary on the other hand had to know the things that was left undone but something in her heart told her it could wait. Jesus was there and he was speaking. She made a choice to sit at his feet.  The word “needful” is defined as something that is necessary and needed. It is required. Jesus said “but one thing is needful”. It was necessary, needed and required to sit at his feet. To sit at the feet of Jesus implies submission, surrendering, giving full attention, honoring and recognizing the importance of that person. 

The father is saying do you know who I am. Come, sit quietly. God is saying you don’t need to speak. Just listen to the words I have been waiting to speak to you. You don’t need to be strong, be correct, or search for the right words to say.  I know what you need. Let me love you, let me comfort you. Wow, sometimes we need to shut our mouths and open our hearts and just let God “father us” and be our shepherd. 

SPEAK THE ANSWER NOT THE PROBLEM. THE WORD OF GOD IS THE ANSWER. Heavenly father, thank you for the invitation to come to your Throne Room. Forgive me for the many opportunities I have missed due to the many distractions the enemy has placed in my way.  As the songwriter wrote ‘oh what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer” Thank you, father for waiting patiently on me to accept your invitation. I give you full control Holy Spirit to draw me into the presence of the father where I will find joy, peace and rest. Remind me of who the Father is: God the father, son and Holy Ghost, blessed trinity and Holy Deity. Let me never forget that God so loved me that he gave his son for me. Surely, I can be grateful for an open invitation to come and sit in the presence of the living God and feel your warm embrace.

Living Righteously

Are You The One?

Welcome to For His Glory SITG (Standing In The Gap) Ministry. I pray that every visitor will be challenged, inspired, encouraged, lifted up and enlightened to answer the call to intercession.

Are you the one? God is looking for intercessors. Are you the one he is looking for?

God is looking for intercessors to stand in the gap. Ezekiel 22:30-31  And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. Therefore I have poured out my indignation upon them. I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath. I have returned their way upon their heads, declares the Lord God.” We are familiar with Ezekiel 22:30 And I sought for a man among them… However, we have not paid much attention to the following verse: Therefore I have poured out my indignation upon them. I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath. I have returned their way upon their heads, declares the Lord God.” What was the result of a lack of intercession? The people were destroyed.  Think about that. The people were destroyed. God is waiting for us to do our part and intervene on behalf of others. 

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