4-9-2022 is the date of the next Intercessory Training. You don’t want to miss this 4 week’s training via Zoom from 10:30 am til l2:00. A well-trained intercessor is a threat to the enemy. I teach the first 3 classes. Apostles Linda Shearrill, Greg Jacobs, Elder Cynthia Bridges & Prophet Laron Matthews join me for the last session (Impartation & Release). Get your book now (For His glory Standing In The Gap Intercessory Instruction Manual) for $9.99. The course is $40.00. Register and get the book here at www.forhisglorysitg.com. GET YOUR BOOK NOW. IT IS REQUIRED FOR THE CLASS. Registration ends 3-31-2022. Note: For groups of ten that register by 3-26-22 I will donate $40 to your ministry. #Trainingchangemyprayerlife